Monthly Archives: June 2018

The Mobile App War Is Over

The app world is the world, where competition is fierce! The fight between Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS is quite evident. They are two great platforms each with some unique strength and have access to vast quantities of apps. Who in the end will win the mobile app war? Google pays millions to Apple to make their search engines the default search provider for iOS devices but Google collects more from ads placed on Apple devices. Apple and iOS only Read More...

Audio-Visual Technology

Audio-visuals have been utilized for a long time to convey messages in company meetings, lectures and seminars, demos, stage acts and plays, business proposals, and the like. But the technology has been very basic compared with the technology available today. Audio-visual technology is defined as the tools used to convey information. It employs the use of several inputs, such as videos or slides. Depending on the information you want to convey to your audience, there are a variety of applications Read More...

The Strategic Use of Information Technology

TEACHER: Hello, Student. What do you know about Information Technology (IT)? STUDENT: Well, I know that most software is full of "bugs"! By the way, why are these errors in programs called "bugs"? TEACHER: Computer "bugs" have been around since malfunctions in a 1945 Mark II were blamed (facetiously) on a moth trapped in a relay. Nowadays the term referes to programming flaws -commands that do not accomplish the desired Read More...

The Scope of Artificial Intelligence in Web Development Explored

The Artificial Intelligence market will expectedly be worth $153 billion in the near future. We are talking about digital revolution here. We are talking about path breaking technological ideas and implementation here. It is going to redefine the way in which humans are going to interact with machines. Artificial Intelligence in Web Development: Is it even possible? The stakes are high. The figures are impressive – to say the least. We have got engineers and marketers embarking on diverse plans Read More...