Monthly Archives: May 2018

5 Tips to Improve Website UX to Boost Conversions

User experience, commonly referred by many as UX, is the process of increasing user satisfaction. This can be done by improving the overall usability, efficiency, and accessibility of user interaction with the sites. The user must feel like home they visit your website. User experience and conversation rate are closely linked. If your site’s user experience is great, more and more people will be engaged, thus ensuring you a high conversion rate. Craft a clean Homepage Your website’s homepage plays a crucial Read More...

How to Choose a Software Development Company – Here Are 5 Criteria

When evaluating a software development firm, pay attention to the questions they ask. Are they taking their time to learn more about you and what you want, or are they rushing to handing you a proposal and a quote? We’ve done a research and selected the 5 key criteria we consider important for businesses to make their choice of a web or Mobile Application Development Company that would suit their needs. The criteria are listed by priority below: 1) The Read More...

How a Business Can Benefit From the Internet

With today’s advances in technologies and the rapid growth of the Internet having an online presence for a business is very beneficial. A business can benefit in many ways from owning its own Web site. Only a few years ago, if a customer wanted to do business with a specific company he or she would have to physically go to the business or, in less common cases, they could order from a catalog. The development of Internet technologies has Read More...