Monthly Archives: September 2020

What Is Nursing Informatics?

Just 10 years ago if someone had told you their job title was a Nursing Informatics Clinical Project Manager or Clinical Informatics Specialist you probably would have starred at them and said “What?” This specialty in nursing has exploded over the past decade and will continue to grow as nursing moves into the information technology world. What is Nursing Informatics? The informatics nurse is someone who is involved in activities that focus on the methods and technologies of information for nurses, Read More...

Why You Need Multilingual Websites

The internet is the world’s busiest shopping mall visited by potential shoppers from all over the world. Since online businesses have a potential global clientele they need to enhance their online operations by developing multilingual websites. Many businesses have realized the importance of having multilingual websites and others will follow suit. In fact, in the near future multilingual websites will become a dire necessity for any business looking to reap success on a truly global scale. There is no doubt about Read More...

Why You Should Look For a Turnkey Wedding Website for Sale

Brides-to-be everywhere are constantly looking for help when it comes to planning their weddings. With a turnkey wedding website, you can offer these brides the assistance that they need while still turning a great profit for yourself. There are a lot of benefits to finding a turnkey wedding website for sale instead of building your own from the ground up. Building a website is expensive, since you often have to hire a web designer, and it can take a Read More...

Integrating WordPress Into PHP Scripts

Overview Today, I had to use a custom PHP script that I created a while ago in a new WordPress application. Instead of developing a WordPress plugin to handle this existing code, I choose instead to use WordPress directly inside my script. Using WordPress inside your script is a great option if you have a lot of custom PHP code. When you have a large PHP code base from your previous development efforts. There are typically other libraries inside your code, such Read More...