Monthly Archives: September 2019

Advantages of Learning Web Design

Web Design training courses offer instructions in the fundamental techniques involved in the creation of effective web pages. The courses equip the student with the technical knowledge, as well as an understanding of the mechanical and artistic components of modern web site design. This is very important since it is essential that the navigation of a well crafted website be user friendly. In terms of the content of the web course there are two fundamental aspects which form the core Read More...

What To Expect When You Buy a Turnkey Website

Buying a website business online can be slightly intimidating. In fact, buying anything online can be intimidating if you have never done it before. Whether you are buying a turnkey website or a teddy bear for your granddaughter, you never see the seller face-to-face and must rely on consumer review websites to determine if a purchase is a good idea. The first quick signs of a good retailer is if they have a way to reach them via their website, Read More...

Advantages to Android Game Development

The industry of mobile game development has introduced a very important aspect to the market – the ability to conceptualize, develop, and release video games on devices with far more success and ease than ever before. And with the Android app marketplace only requiring a one-time fee for submitting an application, the cost becomes almost negligible to put the product out for millions of customers to find. Even the submission process is drastically shorter than Read More...

Spider Webs, Bow Ties, Scale-Free Networks, And The Deep Web

The World Wide Web conjures up images of a giant spider web where everything is connected to everything else in a random pattern and you can go from one edge of the web to another by just following the right links. Theoretically, that's what makes the web different from of typical index system: You can follow hyperlinks from one page to another. In the "small world" theory of the web, every web page is thought Read More...