Monthly Archives: November 2017

Information Technology and the Global Village

The advancement in technology has certainly had a major effect on the lives of many. This world is becoming a global village and distances no longer a problem. Communications and mass information is just a few clicks away; thanks to the computer related technology, more specifically the utility of internet, which is a part of the information technology. Social networking websites and chat related applications are now presenting quite a number of advantages to the users. They reduce distances between Read More...


What is HTTP? Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), put simply, is a communications protocol that is used to send and receive data between your browser and the webpages you are connected to. What is HTTPS? The ‘S’ in HTTPS stands for ‘Secure’. HTTPS safeguards confidential transactions such as online banking, online payments, even online shopping order forms. Upon requesting an HTTPS connection to a webpage, an SSL certificate will be sent to your browser. When a trusted SSL Digital Certificate is used, you will Read More...

Jobs for Felons in Information Technology – Find Out If You Are a Fit for These Felon Friendly Jobs

Information technology job opportunities for felons pay well and offer fast career advancement. IT jobs for felons do require extensive technical knowledge but the main advantage to IT jobs for felons is that demand for IT skills is high compared to other industries even during the current economic downturn. According to the most recent study by the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, IT jobs are expected to grow more than twice as fast as the average for all Read More...

Why PHP Web Development Is Beneficial

PHP is amongst the most popular dynamic web development languages. The versatile and capable server scripting language is now what features on most sites which require username to login, download, upload, use shopping cart or even vote in polls. The open source has rich features and functionality, making it very beneficial to any website. You can find a PHP developer to make your website one of the most useful and dynamic ever. Most websites that are successful use PHP Read More...

What Is The Difference Between a Mobile Enhanced and a Mobile Friendly Website?

Back in February 2015 when Google first announced that their now famous ranking algorithm “mobilegeddon” would be rolled out on in April that same year there was a crazy scramble by website owners to bring code up to date and make sure their websites functioned correctly on multiple devices including mobile phones and tablets so as to avoid any Google penalties. Now around 18 months on we look at how web design and development has transformed because of the increased Read More...